Chelsea Dawn takes us behind the scenes of her modeling career

Model Chelsea Dawn (Photo: Elite Photo)

Chelsa Dawn...

Being involved in the world of boxing, there is a revolving cast of characters that I have become familiar with over the years.

And while the fighters, trainers, managers, promoters, and the like have always found a way to keep things entertaining from the view of a journalist, I understand that not everyone has the same kind of perspective.

For many casual and hardcore fans, the sight of ring card girls at their desired events adds to the overall aura of the scene.

In getting to know Chelsea Dawn through her work with Tecate, I soon discovered that there was more to her than meets the eye.

Raised in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, Chelsea recently shared with me her story of how she got into the modeling world and what the ride has been like over the years.

This is what she had to share…

Activities as a youth…
“Growing up with four other siblings who were also athletes, I feel like most of my youth years were spent playing, practicing, and watching soccer, with a bit of softball and basketball as well. I was very involved in school… class president, student council president, won the spelling bee, designed the cover of the school yearbook, did a lot of charity work with ‘Positive Peer Influence,’ was a cheerleader, a member of art club, math club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes… the list goes on. I recommend that every child and teen get involved in some type of extracurricular activity.”

Career visions…
“In elementary school, I wanted to become a professional WNBA player. By middle school, I figured I would try to make a living as a fashion designer. And then in high school, I decided to work towards a career as a graphic designer. I went to college, and acquired a degree in the arts.”

Getting interested in fashion and modeling…
“Though many people throughout the years suggested it, because of my height, large eyes, and bone structure, modeling was something that I didn’t become interested in until after my high school sports career ended, due to injury. I had always been into fashion. And once I got out of my tom-boy, Adidas, Umbro, Nike – wearing phase, putting on jeans and a t-shirt was boring to me. I liked to switch up my look each day. Some of my clothes were so unique, that I would get made fun of for them. A few of the upperclassmen would call me ‘Michael Jackson’ because I’d wear leather jackets to school. I had been designing, making/sewing my own clothes for a while. In fact, I remember using fabric I had cut off of my parents’ old shirts, and using that to make dresses for my dolls, at a very young age.”

Going behind the scenes for her first modeling experience…
“In 2005, I entered a ‘black & white dress’ contest. I made my dress, earrings, purse, added my own touch to my heels, and entered the contest, modeling my own designs, all in the same day. I wasn’t legally allowed to step foot into the venue, because I was under the age of 21, but was walked in by a friend, bypassing security. Nevertheless, I won 1st place, by unanimous decision, and received a $1,000.00 cash prize. All this at age 16! It was then that people in the entertainment industry really started taking notice in me, and I realized I had talent and a look that was edgy. That experience proved to me that I could make money doing something that was both fun and challenging. Weeks later I decided to start my own small modeling agency, so I could book other models on jobs that I was too young to work myself.”

Best memories…
“I will never forget being published in my first major worldwide magazine, WWE, at age 18. In the United States alone, WWE Magazine has 6 million readers every month. The December 2008 issue I had a spread in was also published in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Mexico, Greece, and Turkey. Since then, getting to travel outside the United States for international modeling bookings in Toronto, Singapore, and Cairo, Egypt, have been great experiences that I am certainly grateful for.”

Never getting bored with the modeling life…
“Every day/week is different, and that’s what I like about my job! I can never get bored. My day may consist of a photo shoot or video shoot, filming a commercial or movie, rehearsing for or walking in a runway show, getting fitted for wardrobe/costumes, attending a casting, signing posters, posing for photo ops with fans, athletes, or celebs at a sporting event, concert, or corporate event. Or I may be at home cooking, doing laundry, or working from my home office, signing contracts and photo releases.”

Lifelong passions and interests…
“My favorite thing to do is to spend time with a loved one. I also enjoy eating slightly more than the average human. I watch a lot of pro baseball, football, and basketball. And, though I don’t seem to get much free time to fit art projects into my crazy schedule, drawing and painting have always been hobbies of mine.

Future aspirations…
“I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’ve tutored in the past, maybe I’ll become a teacher. I’ve considered running my own business or starting a non-profit organization. I also think it would really be neat to become the photo editor for a fashion magazine. I’m still undecided as far as occupational goals go. But, I do know I want to be a wife and a mommy someday. Stay tuned, I may just conquer all of the above.”

Chelsea Dawn can be reached at,,, and

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