Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. goes down Nov. 28 (Photo: Triller)
By Chris Robinson
As the 2020 year moves forward, it has certainly been an interesting ride for the sport of boxing.
And believe it or not, one of the biggest matches left on the calendar year, in terms of overall buzz, is an exhibition between two legends of the sport: Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr.
Ever since it was announced that Tyson and Jones would be facing off in an eight-round exhibition (First scheduled for Sep. 12 and later rescheduled for November 28), the fight has been one many are talking about.
Some are excited to see two all-time greats stepping into the ring, while others question how serious the two men will be going at one another. The fight itself has generated mixed opinions amongst the boxing community, both for how the bout will play out and whether or not it is good for the sport.
Check below for some thoughts from fighters Ryan Stone Allen, Kofi Jantuah, Zach Cooper, DaVarryl Williamson, John Scully, Lydell Rhodes, and others.
Chris Robinson can be reached at CRobinson@hustleboss.com