Reports of Chris Brown flirting behind Rihanna’s back seem unfounded as he was simply speaking to his artist Sabrina Antoinette

Chris Brown speaking with his CBE artist Sabrina Antoinette


On Friday, Feb. 15, ran yet another report on music star Chris Brown, this one claiming that the “Fortune” singer was yet again flirting behind the back of his rekindled love interested Rihanna.

“Sooo look what we got our hands on,” the site would claim. “Some pics of Chris Brown looking real FLIRTY FLIRTY with some OTHER chick not named Rihanna.”

The photos went on to show Brown in an intimate setting, as he was speaking with a female friend of his.

However, it remains to be seen if Brown was actually flirting with anyone, as all the photos show is that he was simply whispering something into his friend’s ear.

Upon further inspection, it looks as though the woman in the picture very well may be Sabrina Antoinette, an aspiring artist with whom Brown is associated with and someone who Rihanna seems to get along with fine, as evidenced by past photos.

Given the constant drama surrounding Chris and Rihanna, it’s easy to speculate but it seems here that nothing serious was taking place.

Even Antionette could be found taking to her personal Twitter shortly after the article went live, as she seemed to be getting a good laugh out of the report.

“Social media is hilarious,” she stated. “Lesson of the day. Idle speculation gets you nowhere!”

As evidenced in the photo below, Sabrina Antoinette is no stranger to either Chris Brown or Rihanna



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