J’Leon Love always has a way of standing out (Photo: Chris Robinson)
By Chris Robinson
For Inkster, Mich. native J’Leon Love, there will always be some form of positivity to take in.
At least that’s the type of aura you sense when speaking with the brash 27-year old super middleweight prospect.
“2014 was definitely a blessing and we’re looking for bigger blessings in 2015,” Love stated as our conversation opened up from Musawwir’s Barber Sharp right off of Spring Mountain near the Strip just hours before the New Year rang in.
Love was last seen in the ring this past August when he was unexpectedly knocked out in three rounds by unheralded Rogelio Medina and while it was a bit shocking to see him halted in such fashion, he instantly seemed to shake off the defeat.
“It happens,” Love explains of his first professional defeat. “I was beating Medina until he caught me with a shot. At the end of the day, everyone is in that situation, where one punch can change a fight. You learn from it and your grown from it.”
“We’re going to bounce back at the end of January,” Love added. “I’m in the gym.”
Expect to see Love back in the ring sometime this month in Las Vegas and please check below for the full interview, where J’Leon discusses more about the good and bad of 2014.
Chris Robinson can be reached at CRobinson@hustleboss.com