Tag Archives: Rihanna

Photo: Rihanna rocks Chris Brown’s jacket as she lands in London for Fashion Week

Rihanna seen wearing Chris Brown’s jacket in London (Photo: Chrianna.Tumblr.com)


According to a report from the Daily Mail on Saturday, Feb. 16, pop superstar Rihanna was seen wearing Chris Brown’s leather jacket upon her arrival to London ahead of Fashion Week. Rihanna will be making a catwalk appearance for her clothing line with River Island as part of the festivities and she obviously still has some deep affection for Chris.

Turns out that Brown was wearing the exact same jacket a few nights earlier inside of the Playhouse nightclub in Hollywood.
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Video: Chris Brown releases his ‘Home’ documentary-style video


As evidenced by a report from GossipCop.com on Friday, Feb. 15, music star Chris Brown has once again reached out to his fans with an intimate video titled “Home”.

The official video takes viewers behind the scenes during Brown’s “Carpe Diem” tour amidst his hectic lifestyle. Pit stops at such locales as Paris, Germany, Amsterdam, and the United Arab Emirates are seen as Brown parties with friends, mingles with his screaming fans, travels on private jets, and much more.
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Rihanna reveals why she was ‘happy’ on Valentine’s Day


On Thursday evening, Feb. 15, international pop superstar Rihanna took to her personal Instagram account, where she revealed to her legion of followers what she has received as one of her Valentine’s Day presents.

“Roses are green! Somebody knows how to make me happy,” stated the 24-year old Rihanna, as she showed off a picture of a huge marijuana plant that was loosely shaped like a heart.

It remains to be seen who exactly got Rihanna her gift, but given how closely she has been connected to her rekindled love interested Chris Brown in recent months, it would of no surprise if he was the one to surprise her.
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Reports of Chris Brown flirting behind Rihanna’s back seem unfounded as he was simply speaking to his artist Sabrina Antoinette

Chris Brown speaking with his CBE artist Sabrina Antoinette


On Friday, Feb. 15, MediaTakeOut.com ran yet another report on music star Chris Brown, this one claiming that the “Fortune” singer was yet again flirting behind the back of his rekindled love interested Rihanna.

“Sooo look what we got our hands on,” the site would claim. “Some pics of Chris Brown looking real FLIRTY FLIRTY with some OTHER chick not named Rihanna.”
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Photo: Chris Brown rolling with Rihanna after Sunday night’s Grammys in Los Angeles

Chris Brown rolling with Rihanna following Sunday night’s Grammys in Los Angeles (Photo credits: www.MediaTakeOut.com)

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By all accounts, it was hard to get a feel for how Chris Brown’s night at the Grammys went down.

At first glance, the “Fortune” singer seemed to be all smiles as he sat front and center in the Staples Center in Los Angeles with his rekindled love interested Rihanna, as the two embraced each other while being all smiles.

However, towards the end of the evening, Brown could be seen getting verbally berated by Grammy winner Adele, who seemed to take displeasure over the fact that Brown had decided to remain seated instead of standing for an applause after his newfound rival Frank Ocean beat him out for an award in the Best Urban Contemporary Album category.

While the Grammys wrapped up, Brown looked to cheer himself up by hitting up the Zing Vodka Post Grammy Party inside of Hollywood’s Supperclub, according to a report from AceShowbiz.com on Tuesday, Feb. 12. Continue reading

Rihanna speaks from the 55th Annual Grammy Awards


It’s hard to believe that it was a little over four years ago to the day that music star Chris Brown saw his relationship with Rihanna come to a heartbreaking end after a domestic violence incident led to his arrest on the eve of that year’s Grammy Awards.

The two stars appeared to go their separate ways but it was assumed they still had strong feelings for one another.
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Has Chris Brown’s ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran been seeing a new man?

Karrueche Tran spotted with a new man (Photo credit: MediaTakeOut.com)


According to a report from MediaTakeOut.com on Saturday, Feb. 9, aspiring model Karrueche Tran has appeared to move on officially from her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.

Brown claimed he and Karrueche were splitting up this past October, yet the following months saw the former lovebirds at various locations together. All the while, Brown was rekindling his romance with Rihanna, making matters all the more confusion.

During a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Rihanna came forward and revealed why she and Chris have gotten back together despite the domestic violence incident between them three years ago that ended their relationship at the time.

According to MediaTakeOut.com, Karrueche is looking to move on, as she has given Chris back his blue Porsche Panamera while cutting any intimacy ties she has with him.
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Rihanna sticking by Chris Brown’s side during his latest court drama

Chris Brown and Rihanna in Los Angeles on Tuesday night, February 5th (Photo: X17Online.com)


In February of 2009, the relationship between aspiring music stars Chris Brown and Rihanna came to a shocking end. Following pre-Grammy Awards party, there was an altercation that took place, with Brown later admitting to beating Rihanna.

While there were some who were crushed to see the couple separate, they still held on to the hope that they would someday reconcile.

In October of last year, Rihanna and Chris were spotted together at various locations in New York and have since continued to remain close. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Rihanna even revealed why she has taken Chris back into her life.
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Rihanna graces the upcoming Rolling Stone and speaks about her relationship with Chris Brown


(Rihanna in the upcoming Rolling Stone… Photo – Terry Richardson)

To say that Rihanna has had a mysterious relationship with Chris Brown over the past few months would be an extreme understatement.

Ever since being spotted together in New York in early October, Rihanna and Chris’ feelings for one another have only grown stronger, it seems.
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Photos: Rihanna parties in Hawaii as her 25th birthday approaches

On Saturday, February 20th, music star Rihanna will celebrate her 25th birthday. And while there are rumors that her boyfriend Chris Brown may be proposing to her, she seems to be enjoying herself just fine at the moment.

Check below for more photos…




Chris Robinson can be reached at Trimond@aol.com and www.HustleBoss.com

Photos: Behind the scenes with Rihanna during her photo shoot with Terry Richardson

Having recently taken to her personal Instagram acount, Rihanna updated her followers with some behind-the-scenes photos during a recent shoot with accomplished photographer Terry Richardson.

As is the case, Rihanna was care free and enjoying the moment. Peep the photos below…


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