Yahu Blackwell returns to the ring on April 6 in Tijuana (Photo: Instagram)
By Chris Robinson
I first started hearing about Yahu Blackwell earlier this year and I admit that he was, at first, a bit of enigma to me.
But as I began finding out more information about him, I soon realized he has a story to tell and is looking to make a big run in the boxing game in 2017.
Respected former pro boxer/referee Joe Cortez spoke to me about his connection to Yahu a few months back in Las Vegas and I’ve been keeping up with the Hebrew fighter ever since.
Blackwell turned professional in 2009 but it wasn’t until 2013 when his career took off, as he joined the International Boxing League. While fighting for the IBL, he went 15-0 with 12 knockouts.
Blackwell is also very active on social media, including updates on his YouTube and Instagram accounts regularly, and he was recently labeled a “Boxing mogul and entrepreneur” by Forbes.
How far Blackwell goes in the sport remains to be seen, yet he must take care of his next ring assignment to continue building momentum.
Blackwell is slated for an April 6 ring appearance down in Tijuana, Mexico. Blackwell joins a small but growing list of fighters who have sought action South of the border and he seems to be embracing the assignment ahead of him.
Fighting down in Mexico doesn’t seem to be a problem. If anything, Blackwell feels he may be adding to his fan base when all is said and done.
“I believe they will embrace me,” said Blackwell. “Mexicans are true boxing fans. Even though I’m not a Mexican, they will have no choice but to respect my skills.”
Updates on Blackwell’s forthcoming fight and weigh-in will be posted this week.
Chris Robinson can be reached at CRobinson@hustleboss.com